डॉ. काशी प्रसाद जायसवाल की इतिहास दृष्टि
काशी प्रसाद जायसवाल का जन्म 27नवम्बर, सन् 1881 को मिर्जापुर (उत्तर प्रदेश) में एक सम्भ्रान्त वैश्य परिवार में हुआ था. उनके पिता साहु महादेव प्रसाद जायसवाल मिर्जापुर के एक बड़े व्यापारी थे. बिहार में भी उनका लाखों का कारोबार था. जायसवाल जी की कर्मभूमि बिहार रही और अन्त में उनका देहान्त भी बिहार की राजधानी पाटलिपुत्र में हुई.
जायसवाल जी की प्रारंभिक शिक्षा मिर्जापुर के लन्दन मिशन (आजकल बाबूलाल जायसवाल) हाई स्कूल में हुई. एन्ट्रेंस पास करने के बाद बनारस के क्वीन्स कालेज में आगे की शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए उनका नाम लिखाया गया. एफ०ए० तक वहाँ उन्होंने शिक्षा पायी किन्तु बाद में पढ़ाई छोड़ दी. कुछ वर्षों तक वे पिता का कारोबार देखते रहे पुनः 4 अगस्त 1906 ई0 को विलायत के लिए रवाना हुए और आक्सफोर्ड के जीसस कालेज में दाखिल हुए. वहाँ उन्होंने चीनी भाषा का अध्ययन किया और विश्वविद्यालय में डेविस छात्र (डेविस स्कालर) रहे. सन् 1909 ई0 में आनर्स के साथ इतिहास में एम०ए० की उपाधि प्राप्त की; 1910 ई0में लिंकन इन से बैरिस्ट्री पास की और उसी साल जुलाई में भारत लौट आये. सर आशुतोष मुखर्जी, जो उन दिनों कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति थे, ने उन्हें अर्थशास्त्र एवं इतिहास का प्रोफेसर नियुक्त किया था. यद्यपि उनकी नियुक्ति पर सरकार ने रोक लगा दी. इसके पहले उन्होंने कलकत्ता में प्रैक्टिस शुरू किया था लेकिन उसमें उनका मन नहीं लगा.
1. Manu and Yajnavalkya, Calcutta University, 1917. 2. Hindu Polity, Bangalorecity, 1924. 3. History of India(150 A.D. to 350 A.D.), (Naga-Vakataka Imperial Period), Lahore, 1930. 4. An Imperial History of India (700 B.C. to c. 770 A.D.), Lahore, 1934. 5. Chronology and History of Nepal (600 B.C. to 880 A.D.), Patna, 1936. 6. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in Mithila, Vol. I, Smriti Manuscripts, (ed.), with A. Banerjee Sastri, Patna, 1927. 7. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in Mithila, Vol. II, Literature, Prosody (edited), Patna, 1933. 8. Rajanitiratnakara of Chandesvara (edited), Patna. 9. Lassen’s History of Indian Commerce (edited), with A. Banerjee Shastri, Patna. 10. Vigrahavyavartiani of Acharya-Nagarjuna (edited), Patna. 11. Adhyardhasataka of Matriceta (edited), with Rahul Sankrityayana, Patna. (B) ARTICLES 1. Saisunak and Maurya Chronology and the Date of Buddha’s Nirvana, I(I), 67.
2. Republics in the Mahabharat, I(II), 173. 3. The Empire of Bindusara, II(I), 79. 4. Chronological Summary in the Puranic Chronicles and the Kali-Yuga Era, III(II), 246. 5. Hathi-Gumpha Inscription of the Emperor Kharavela (173 B.C.-160 B.C.), III(IV), 425. 6. Further Note on Hathi-Gumpha Inscription, III(IV), 473. 7. The Brihadrath Chronology (c. 1727 B.C.-727 B.C.), IV(I), 26. 8. The Terms ‘Anusamyana’, ‘Rajuka’ and Former Kings in Ashoka’s Inscription, IV(I), 36. 9. A Note on Hathi-Gumpha Inscription (Elephant Ships), IV(I), 96. 10. Asoka’s Inscription II, IV(II), 144. 11. Revised Notes on the Brahmin Empire, IV(III), 257. 12. Importance of the Janibigha Inscription of the year 83 of the Lakshmana-Sena Era, IV(III), 266. 13. Hathigumpha Inscription Revised from the Rock (with plates), IV(IV), 364. 14. Statues of two Saisunaka Emperors (483-409 B.C.), V(I), 88. 15. Copper-Plates in Bhubneshwar Temple, V(II), 298. 16. Chastana’s Statue and the Date of Kanishka, V(IV), 511. 17. ‘Saisunaka Statue’, V(IV), 512. 18. Another Saisunaka Statue, (c. 515 B.C.), V(IV), 550. 19. The Statue of Wema Kadphises and Kushan Chronology, VI(I), 12. 20. The Statue of Ajatasatru-Kunika and a Discussion on the Origin of Brahmi, VI(II), 173. 21. A Judgement of a Hindu Court in Sanskrit, VI(II), 246. 22. The Unexplained Passage, VII(II-III), 123. 23. A Hindu Text on Painting, IX(I), 30. 24. Contributions to the History of Mithila (King Nanya Deva of Mithila and an Inscription of His time), IX(III-IV), 300. 25. Contributions to the History of Mithila, X(I-II), 37. 26. Hridaya Narayana of Mithila, X(I-II), 47. 27. Brahmi Seals Newly Discovered at Patna, X(III), 189. 28. An Inscription of the Sunga Dynasty (with plate), X(III), 202. 29. Lassen’s History of Indian Commerce (Vikramaditya to Later Guptas), X(III), 227. 30. The Rajaniti-Ratnakar by Chandeshwara, X(IV), Appendix-a-i-I. 31. New light on Hindu Political Science Literature, XI(I), 66. 32. Bhatta-Svamin’s Commentary on Kautilya’s Arthasastra, (I) Appendix 1. 33. Bhatta-Svamin’s Commentary on Kautilya’s Arthasastra, XI(II), Appendix, 25. 34. Bhatta-Svamin’s Commentary on Kautilya’s Arthasastra, XI(III-IV), Appendix, 55. 35. Bhatta-Svamin’s Commentary on Kautilya’s Arthasastra, XII(I), Appendix, 93. 36. Bhatta-Svamin’s Commentary on Kautilya’s Arthasastra, XII(II), Appendix, 131. 37. Bhatta-Svamin’s Commentary on Kautilya’s Arthasastra, XII(III), Appendix, 169. 38. Hathigumpha Inscription of the Emperor Kharavela (Correction), XIII(III-IV), 221. 39. The Sunga Inscription of Ayodhya, XIII(III-IV), 247. 40. Revised Notes on the Brahmin Empire, XIV(I), 24. 41. A Deed of Acquittance in Sanskrit, XIV(I), 63. 42. Demetrios, Kharavela and the Garga-Samhita, XIV(I), 127. 43. Hathigumpha Notes, XIV(I), 150. 44. Date of Vardhamana, XIV(II), 311. 45. Historical data in the Garga-Samhita and the Brahmin Empire, XIV(III), 397. 46. The ParisManuscript of the Garga-Samhita, XV(I-II), 129. 47. On the Rule of Pusyamitra Sunga, XV(III-IV), 227. 48. An Important Brahmi Inscription, Barli Stone (with plate), XVI(I), 67. 49. Problem of Saka-Satavahana History, XVI(III-IV), 227. 50. Purana Coin and the Date of the Manava-Dharma-Sastra, XVII(IV), 398. 51. Kumaramatya, XVII(IV), 399. 52. The Exact Data in the Reign of Asoka, SVII(IV), 227. 53. Girdharpur Pillar Inscription, XVIII(I), 4. 54. Saka-Satavahana Problem, XVIII(I), 7. 55. Chandra Gupta II (Vikramaditya) and his Predecessor, XVIII(I), 17. 56. The Book on Political Science by ‘Sikhara’, Prime Minister of Chandra Gupta II, VIII(I), 37. 57. Chandra Gupta Maurya as ‘Vir Varshal’, XVIII(I), 79. 58. A Note on Certain Sanskrit Geographical and Ethnic Terms, XVIII(I), 97. 59. The Yaunus of Puranas and the last Kushana Emperor in India, XVIII(II), 201. 60. A Passage in Samudra Gupta’s Inscription at Allahabadand Gupta Coinage, XVIII(II), 207. 61. The Kakas — Their Location, XVIII(II), 212. 62. A Note on ‘Tikin’ and ‘Khasa’, XVIII(II), 225. 63. ‘Danta’, a Weapon, XVIII (III-IV), 391. 64. History of India(c. 150 A.D.-350 A.C.) Naga-Vakataka Imperial Period), XIX(I-II), 1. 65. Appendix to the History of India, 150 A.D. to 350 A.D. XIX(III), 289. 66. Some Unpublished Seals, XX(I), 1. 67. Six Unique Silver Coins of the Sungas, XX(I), 7. 68. Dating in Lakshmanasena Era, XX(I), 20. 69. Early Unique Silver Coins of India, XX(III-IV), 279. 70. Early Signed Coins of India (Additions and Corrections), XXI(III), 191. 71. Early Signed Coins of India (Additions and Corrections), XXI(III), 191. 72. On Some Hindu Coins of Pre-Christian Centuries (With plates) XXII(II), 59. 73. New Coins of Naga-Vakataka Period, XXII(II), 70. 74. Rajgir (Maniar Math) Stone Image Inscription (with plate), XXII(II), 79. 75. An Unrecorded Muhammadan Invasion of Nepal (with Appendix), XXII(III), 161. 76. Nepal Chronicles on the Caste of the Guptas, XXII(II), 108. 77. Chronology and History of Nepal (600 B.C. to 880 A.D.), XXII(III), 161. 78. Rajaniti-Ratnakara by Chandesvara, XXII(IV), Appendix, 1. 79. Branding Seals of the Second Century A.D. (with plates), XXIII(I), 128. 80. Jaina Image of Maurya Period, XXIII(I), 130. 81. Numismatic Notes on Some Hindu Coins of Pre-Christian Centuries, XXIII(I), 148. 82. Adhyardhasataka by Matriceta, XXIII(IV), Appendix-i-I-I. 83. Vigrahavyavarttani by Acharya Nagarjuna, XXIII(IV), Appendix-i-I-I. Indian Antiquary
84. The Harappa Seals, XLII, 203. 85. The Date of the Mudra-Rakshasa and the Identification of Malayaketu, XLII, 265. 86. The Rock Edicts VI of Asoka, XLII, 282. 87. Origin of the Narada-Smriti, XLII, 306. 88. Ethnic Origin of Tamralipti, XLIII, 64. 89. Kautilya and the Arthas, XLIII, 124. 90. The Historical Position of Kalki and his Identification with Yasodharman, XLVI, 145. 91. Rao Bahadur R. Narasimhachar’s Architecture and Sculpture in Mysore, XLVI, 278. 92. Bandhu-bhritya of the Mudra RAkshasa, XLVI, 275. 93. Vijnapti Triveni, A Jaina Epistle, XLVI, 276. 94. The Arthasastra Explains, XLVII, 50. 95. Vaishnava Worship and Buddhism, XLVII, 112. 96. The Week-days and Vikrama, XLVII, 112. 97. Date of Panini and Katyana, XLVII, 138. 98. Notes on Asoka Inscriptions : The Term Ashasu XLVII, 297. 99. Identification of some of the Post Andhrabhritya Rulers of the Pusanic List, XLVII, 298. 100. Saka-Parthiva, XLVIII, 12. 101. The Yogimara Cave Inscription, XLVIII, 131. 102. Places and Peoples in Asoka’s Inscriptions, XLII, 121. The Modern Review 103. An Introduction to Hindu Polity, 1913. 104. An Inscription of the Sunga Dynasty, XXXIV, 430. 105. Sanskrit Revival and King Bhoja’s Art Criticism of Lyrical Poetry, XLIII, 722. 106. Origin of the Imperial Guptas, XLVI, 499. 107. A Sand stone Head of the Gupta period, XLVII, 26. 108. King Udayditya, LII, 171. 109. Note on Terracotta Ramayana panel of Gupta period and on Sikhora Temple, LII, 148. 110. Re-founders of the Imperial Hindu Throne, LII, 546. 111. King Chhatrasal Champion of Hindu Independence, and Queen Kamalavati, the Devoted wife, LI, 545. 112. Udaypur Temple of Malwa and its Builder, LI, 603. 113. Buddha’s Hermitage, LIII, 179. 114. Mahastan (Bogra) Mauryan Inscription, LIII, 508. 115. Mauryan Rock cut Hermitage of Barabar, LIII, 705. 116. Neglect of Monuments, LIII, 385. 117. Dr. Hiralal, LVI, 319. 118. Coins of Samprati Maurya, LV, 647. 119. A Coin of Dasarath Maurya, LV, 516. 120. Hindu Scientist of Earthquake, LV, 310. 121. Great Resolution, LXI, 16. 122. Lost Sanskrit Works Recovered from Tibet, LXI, 159. 123. Self-Assertion of the Masses Inevitable, LXI, 387. 124. Statues of Indian Scholars in Tibet, LXI, 401. Epigraphia India
125. The Text of the Sohgaura Plate, XXII, I. 126. Shell character Rock Inscription at Ci-Aruton (Java), XXII, 4. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London
127. Mauryan Symbol, 1936. Annals of Bhandarkar (Oriental Research Institute)
128. Historical Data in the Drama Kaumudi Mahotsava, XII, 50. Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art
129. Pataliputra Siva-Parvati Gold Plaque, II, I. 130. Metal Images of Kurkihar Monastery, II, 70. 131. Terracotta dug out at Patna, III. 132. An Early Ivory, IV, 75. The Jaina Antiquary
133. Oldest Jaina Images discovered, 1937, 3. 134. Proceeding and Transactions of All India Oriental Conference, Arch Stone, Second All Ind.O.C., 1922, 270. 135. Presidential Address, Seventh All India, O.C., 1933, IX. नागरी प्रचारिणी पत्रिका
136. ज्योतिषग्रन्थ गर्ग संहिता में भारतीय इतिहास, भाग 10, संवत् 1986, पृ0 1. 137. श्री खारवेल प्रशस्ति और जैन धर्म की प्राचीनता, भाग 10, संवत् 1986, पृ0 499. 138. भारशिव राजवंश, भाग 13, संवत् 1986, पृ0 85. साहित्य
139. नर नारायण के बीच, वर्ष 8, अंक 3, 1957, पृ0 85. पटना युनिवर्सिटी गद्य-संग्रह, पटना 1949
141. हमारा संवत् और उसकी रक्षा, पृ0 323. |